Wednesday, August 31, 2005

FEAR blah!

do you have enough of your own damn blah?!

Does it move you? or, prevent you from living something greater, or worse?
Take stock! It could be a good.

Do you...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


What moves us is what men call ideals; our actions is what men call fighting for a principle

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Kindle this

how easy it is at times to be careless with what we say or do...funny that we can spent as long sometimes confabulating (need vs. want vs. wish) as forgetting our tendency to appreciate the essence of healthy relations, although it would appear there are definable fundamental ingredients to our own growth through time.

All this one needs first is the challenge and circumstance to see things a little differently; its been said one thing that's a "for sure" is change afterall; evolution is not, but that too could be encountered once chance, and change, including the fraughtful, is an acceptable part of one's own perspective it through one's own experience which inspires an interest, one's own meaning of "be the ball" becomes us and we are most effective to kindle and nuture the kind of support we ourselves and each other need, want and wish for...

Saturday, August 13, 2005

It feels like you know me. Perhaps like seeing the sun rise again, its among my greatest desires. To know another well with as much gratitude...

Though challenges may be unceasing, along side another with complementary trajectories, full of hope, and will and the fortitude to know a collective capacity differently, maybe we'll remember the way back to belief and succeed again and again...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Not just spinning our wheels...

To you who slows down long enough to remember dreams yet fulfilled, what is more important, and the ways to initiate new pursuits, I wish you Happy Birthday!

May you continue to release your inhibitions, and realize its within reach to enjoy the spin and potential held within each and every full revolution. I love you.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Think about it

You’re one of the lucky one’s if when not given the choice anyway you adapt to whatever just happened to create that which just changed – it’s hard enough sometimes getting used to being forced to see things differently, let alone getting used to 'the difference' itself...without questioning how long any change lasts, or defining the cost with regards to our mind's eye for better or for worse... so many ‘eyes' view’ still not yet familiar to us, we choose to see it how we do,

or if when we accept the sensation as it is told on the tube or on the page (like this bolg hist) the mind sleeps without a true intent to explore one's own imagination - if we do not choose then we begin to imagine less until something is lost or worse

...and yet only when we see through situations ourselves completely, do the real-life human fictional qualities become clear enough to straighten one's own new mind's eye - benefits all-right-round, even the gentleman considering his lesser fortune from the sidewalk watching reflections of life passing him by benefits...

Wouldn't you like to know it!!!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Enjoyable evenings

Enjoyable evenings

We went out for dinner to celebrate, raised glasses, laughed until our bellies were sore with it. She insisted we would want to. Told us that she had a new job and she was doing everything now peice by peice.

I look forward to our next enjoyable evening together.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Nights wondering

There are nights in the forest of words when I panic, every step into thicker darkness, the only way out to write myself into a clearing, which is silence.
Nights in the forest of words when I'm afraid we won't hear each other over clattering branches, over both our voices calling.

In winter, in the hour when the sun runs liquid then freezes, caught in the mantilla of empty trees; when my heart listens through the cold stethoscope of fear, your voice in my head reminds me what the light teaches.

Slowly you translate fear into love, the way the moon's blood is the sea. - Anne Michaels

To deal with change

Evidently, we all have to deal with change in our lives. Sometimes we choose - other times we're not so lucky. We assess, learn, focus, adjust, re-assess, re-focus and move slowly forward at times - these times of renewal, contemplation, rumination, are very significant processes. It is during this time which we determine our direction, the trajectory for our next best growth potential and picture the surroundings in which we see ourselves. It is said that pleasure is found in the journey to distant places. are you here? where is the enjoyment? Apparently, misery is always there, never requiring pursuit. As the imagination is employed the journey begins anew. To manifest reality is to strive towards ones goals. However the goal-oreinted world attempts distraction from one's goals, when we choose to do less with our time, such distractions take the sideline. So as I dare to imagine a different world, I persecute myself to blindness while I assess and re-direct my focus on what is most important as well as accessible. The place in that world I perceive I am requires more will, determination, compassion, zeal, and progress then ever I've perceived before, and I have to believe, I am ready...