Evidently, we all have to deal with change in our lives. Sometimes we choose - other times we're not so lucky. We assess, learn, focus, adjust, re-assess, re-focus and move slowly forward at times - these times of renewal, contemplation, rumination, are very significant processes. It is during this time which we determine our direction, the trajectory for our next best growth potential and picture the surroundings in which we see ourselves. It is said that pleasure is found in the journey to distant places. are you here? where is the enjoyment? Apparently, misery is always there, never requiring pursuit. As the imagination is employed the journey begins anew. To manifest reality is to strive towards ones goals. However the goal-oreinted world attempts distraction from one's goals, when we choose to do less with our time, such distractions take the sideline. So as I dare to imagine a different world, I persecute myself to blindness while I assess and re-direct my focus on what is most important as well as accessible. The place in that world I perceive I am requires more will, determination, compassion, zeal, and progress then ever I've perceived before, and I have to believe, I am ready...